Hey guys, long time lurker but first time poster here. I've got a T500, which i've had for a few months now that I love. However, tonight when trying to transfer a 1.6GB file from my HDD to a USB flash drive I noticed that my transfer speeds are ridiculously slow. It was about 1/10th of the way done and it said 6 hours remaining right before I got fed up and cancelled the transfer.
I was just wondering if anyone knew what was up?
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
Have you used this flash drive on others machines? Is the drive new?
redrazor11 Formerly waterwizard11
I have this problem with one of my flash drives. It has corrupt sectors in the memory. Writing small files is fine, but anything bigger than 8mb, and it takes it's old sweet time. I think there's nothing wrong with your computer, just need to try a new flash drive (or try your current drive in a different computer)
what is the write speed of the flashdrive? and what flashdrive is it?
Insanely slow USB transfer speeds on my T500?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by rdtmk, Nov 9, 2008.