I have a T61 wide screen coming my way but, i just ordered a 4:3 aspect ratio T61 ESD of 7/3....
Both have the same specs but for the following:
The wide screen:
1) WXGA+ (so less resolution) 1440×900
2) cards reader
3) Firewire
4) 4 cell battery (i dont want anything else cause they extend out)
The 4:3:
1) SXGA+ (more resolution) 1400 × 1050
2) 6 cell battery (that is flush)
No card reader or firewire.
Both about the same price.
I'm actually tempted on just keeping the wide screen.., just for the firewire and the card reader.
What would you guys do?
I would go with the wide, but it is really personal pref.
The wide is actually nice in small screens IMO. I do not always like widescreen monitors (the bigger 17" 19" etc.), but the 14.1" on the T61 is quite nice to use and you fit a lot on the screen.
Also widescreens are very nice on the plane (and that is not just some marketing BS, they truly are). Since they are less deep you can fit them easier on the tray table and type much easier on them (I have used both on many a flight and it is true, wide is more convienient on the plane). -
Lowspeed, I also ordered both the widescreen and 4:3 at about the same price. Wish I could keep both, but I've decided to cancel the 4:3. The clincher in my decision is that the regular screen is only 150 nits (according to the Tabook) while the widescreen is at least 200 nits, thus brighter.
Also the firewire and card reader is very tempting... and lenovo agreed to send me a 6 cell battery (the critical thingy). (also i'm not sure if tailormaid will still work in july... that's a bout 100 bucks off)
so rockyp you think its a good quality screen ?
Oh wow i forgot another difference ... the wide that i ordered has a webcam.. which is nice too. -
I came in to see what delima was.....
But if you can wait, go for
The 4:3:
1) SXGA+ (more resolution) 1400 × 1050
2) 6 cell battery (that is flush)
No card reader or firewire.
As I am sure you will be happy with this. I personally don't care about the battery sticking out, but I prefer 14.1" or smaller screen as well. -
My T42 is 150 nits, so the extra brightness of the 200-nit widescreen is a no-brainer for me. -
It only mentions the 4:3 XGA which is indeed 150 nits. -
yeah not sure where whoever posted the nits specs got that....
IBM used to post every little spec on their laptops even noise level. it's a pity its so hard to tell the specs. -
It's also quite unusual that the T61 4:3 option is still no go on the main Lenovo site, while you can order the 4:3 XGA and SXGA+ here:
http://shoprel.i2.com/SEUILibrary/c...-category-id=668B68A530EE4278A0557B97923A87A9 -
The Hardware Manual for the 4:3 14-inch T61 is now available at:
It does seem to have a firewire port, by the way. -
I wonder if it has the LCD roll cage as well.
In a delima ... need help ...
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by lowspeed, Jun 16, 2007.