I've bought a new battery for my old, used ThinkPad X21. The one that came with the laptop had 3600 mAh and, surprisingly, can yield around 3 hours of juice with light work (more than 4 hours idle).
But the new battery, which is 4400 mAh, can go up to 6 hours idle and 4 hours light work. It's quite impressive for such an old laptop with a power-hungry Pentium III.
Awesome, I was about to get a new battery for my own X21, but the screen decided it didn't like to work anymore and died ;_;
Wanna buy an X21 with a non working screen for parts? lol.... -
Is your new battery OEM? Does it bulge out compared to your old one?
@Teranfirbt: lol Sorry, no need for one here. Do try eBay, though. I've seen old broken ThinkPads go for $50 or so.
@sp00n: the new battery is NOT IBM original; it's a compatible purchased from Hong Kong through eBay. Paid $39 including shipping for it. Doesn't bulge at all; it's identical to the old one. It does get a little bit warmer, though.
C. -
You've been way..way luckier than me. My current 4400mAH battery gives me a good hour and 45 minutes of charge with wireless and brightness turned all the way up. I bought a new non-OEM 4000mAH battery from a place in the US..which worked for 3 days and then failed on me.
I've given up on getting a new battery. Though would you mind telling me who you bought it from and how long it took? Also, on your monitor hinges, between the left of the bottom and the hinge itself, can you see a metal bar? For example, the hinge bar protruding from both sides of the hinge on the left and the right? (4 total) -
I do not see that bar: what's it supposed to be? I've bought from eBay seller campus111 and it took about three weeks to get here (Iowa). They're one of the most reputable Asian sellers (52,000+ feedback at 99.5% positive) and I've bought often from them, as from alphaleap (video games); never a problem.
C. -
Thanks spoon, I knew i wasn't crazy! On the right hinge there is a gap where the bar doesn't go through!
Its the hinge steel bar..maybe I'm not using the right terminology for it.
And wow, you are a very patient guy! I could not wait 3 weeks for ANY product I bought online. -
I'm not patient--I'm just a college student: I'm so busy I *forget* what I bought... lol.
Impressive battery life on the ThinkPad X21
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by claudione314, Oct 27, 2006.