I have no idea but after reformatting the thinkpad to factory settings, installing some programs and uninstalling client security solutions I decided to go into XP and enable that I have to enter my password to logon to the computer. The password will not take, I am positive I set it up properly at logon, tried capslock, etc. and it is just not working. Now all this work I did setting it up again is out the window, and I've no idea how to get past the administrator password logon because we don't have an XP disk as per what the microsoft website says (at most I have lenovo recovery disks).
Is there any way to get past this and then I can reset the password?
Thanks in advance.
You can always try the "Offline NT/2K/XP Password changer".
It always does the trick for me
You burn it to a cd, restart your laptop with the cd and follow the instructions...
General site (with all the info how to do it) http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/
Location of cd-image can be found here. -
There's a good article from The Economist (of all places) on this subject: http://www.economist.com/research/a...ystory.cfm?subjectid=7933610&story_id=8612339
lets say, getting on someones laptop w/o them knowing -
The crux is you must have physical access to the machine. IF you can do that, you can avoid passwords on Linux, Windows, BSD, and most likely Apple too.
If you can't access the case you can't avoid passwords like this. Then you have to become a real hacker!
If you're administrator password doesn't work in windows what can we do?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by StagoreK, Aug 28, 2007.