So, the other day I was playing NFS Carbon on my Thinkpad T61p, and suddenly, the computer just shut down. This had happened quite a number of times before, but this time, I got a blue screen (Not a BlueScreen of Death), which just said " Plinate Error", please contact manufacturer immediately.
Now, I dont know whether it was " Plinate" or " Plinary" or something .... I think it had a P and an L in it ... very confused. I dont want to call Lenovo and question them after being put on hold for half an hour.
Can anyone help me out ?
My Specs are:
Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz
NViDia Quadro FX 570M GPU
160GB 5400 rpm HD
XP or Vista? Do you have Turbo Memory?
I'm running Vista Home Premium(surprise surprise ), no Turbo Memory at all.
Identify the Error Message on T61p ?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Pyrotechnic, Jul 17, 2008.