Hey everyone, my roommate has a y510 laptop and the hinges on her display are very loose. The display is hard to keep in place. I was wondering if someone can point in the right direction as to the best and safest way to get to the hinges to tighten them or replace them. Appreciate the help.
My wife is having the same problem with her Y510. Just recently the hinge has become loose and the display falls backward or forward very easily... extremely frustrating when trying to adjust the angle. If you hear of a solution I'd be very interested in knowing it. If I'm able to find anything I'll post an update for you.
Thanks, and good luck! -
Sounds like others have similar Problems.
I guess there is no detailed Service Manual available since it's a consumer grade laptop.
Here's a description on how to replace the hinges which you can get for about 50 Bucks.
First i would contact lenovo and check if they replace your hinges. There is a post of a guy whose hinges have been replaced on a out of warranty machine for free.
Ideapad Y510 Display Hinge Disassembly
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pscholes18, Mar 29, 2010.