Yesterday, I received my Y400, really a great beast, with Windows 8 Home Edition Installed but without DVD.
So there is a 850GB C: and 25GB of Lenovo D:.
But to install Arch Linux along with Windows 8, I'll have to make partitions of the C:, but there is no DVD of windows 8 provided to re-install windows 8 after partitioning.
So is there some way to get around this problem?
And I installed Everest Ultimate to check the drivers and all the hardware components, and I found that SLI is Disabled, in my graphic card.
So how to Enable it? And why has it come 'Disabled'?
I know that Nvidia GeForce GT 750m supports Optimus, but I couldn't find any thing concerning the integrated graphics Card. I'm not sure how this works, so do give me some insights into this too.
Thanks for getting this thing cleared.
I appreciate your reply. -
Yes, it is because of the SLi support. Lenovo does not want to complicate things, because by enabling optimus on a single card system, every time you want add the additional GPU it will require a hard reset of the system and probably in time will end up with a lot of hardware failure / systems return for motherboard exchange / fix etc. That means they will have to implement this on the motherboard, the cost will increase and that will not give us that kind of 'discount' or price on this system. So, in other words, make it simple with less cost and more stable without complicating matters.
Ideapad Y400 Windows 8 and Arch Linux and Nvida SLI
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Cliff Kant, May 30, 2013.