I love my little S10 but haven't used it in a couple of months because it was frequently delivering pretty nasty (very unpleasant) shocks to me when I touched the casing. I'm not talking static electricity but something more than that. It was bad enough to be a little scary and bad enough that I couldn't sell this machine in good conscience.
It first happened while in a hotel resort, and I thought it was related to the humidity and/or their electrical system, but then it also happened when I return home. No shocks when the AC adapter is unplugged and on battery power.
I think it's a faulty power converter/AC adaptor, but I'm reluctant to spend $35 on another one and then get shocked if I am wrong. Anyone go through this or able to say for sure what is going on?
You may want to speak to Lenovo directly on this matter. (Their forum is a great place to start.) This seems like a serious issue and one that Lenovo shouldn't be shy on figuring out. I'm going to assume the laptop is out of warranty?
It is out of warranty. When I Googled for similar cases, I found one other S10 with this issue and added my report to theirs: Re: Electric shock from S10 model - Lenovo Community
On the other hand, I found lots of reports with other laptops, so it doesn't seem to be an issue with this model so much as something which can occasionally go wrong with laptops, presumably related to a bad power supply.
Ideapad S10 delivering electrical shocks
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Amin Sabet, Nov 10, 2011.