Hello everybody,
I bought my Y500 SLI a bit more than a month ago after got rid of my MacBook Pro and am very happy with it. But I think it is now time for making some recovery DVD´s before changing anything on the System.
I decided to upgrade the mSATA in the near future to use this for the OS and the 1 TB HDD for saving my data.
I know, that on devices that Comes with Win8, the Serial key is inside the BIOS,
and I also know, that there ist a possibility to use a prog. to read the full serial key for a fresh new installation with an OEM DVD, but what about creating a normal recovery DVD?
It would be fine to get some Infos about it.
IdeaPad Y500 - Any possibity for Recovery Win8?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Megara, Jul 1, 2013.