Hi Guys,
does anyone here has expriece with both IBMs screen and Sonys screen?
Ive seen some SONY pics and I was impressed. How are IBMs screens ? (I know they are / were SAMSUNG screens)
Sony screens are generally brighter and some have an XBrite (extra brightness/contrast/gloss) finish while IBM screens are always just a matte finish. IBM screens are fine, bright enough, but I have to say that Sony screens are generally better.
IBM screens generally pale in comparison to Sony (and Toshiba) offerings.
IBM T42 2378-FZU
1024 MB Corsair System Select
High Capacity Li-Ion Battery
Hitachi Travelstar 7K60
Audigy 2 ZS Notebook
IBM's screens VS SONY's screen
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by xerxes1358, Jan 10, 2005.