some guy is selling it for $380, do you guy think that's a good price?
8g hard drive?
I don't care if it's SSD, that's wayyyy to tiny. How fast is the processor?
I'd probably buy it if the cpu wasn't bad. Why is it only $380 -
That's a pretty decent price as X41's usually go for 300+ or so even with the usual HDD.
KUNFUCHOPSTICKS Notebook Consultant
Thats a very good price. Market price for X41 is around $450.
it is on craigslist..but i think the guy sold it already since he didn't reply my email....
A lot will depend on the condition of the machine, whether it's got any warranty, the life remaining on the battery, etc.
IBM thinkpad X41 w/ 1.5G ram and 8G SSD, how much would you pay for it?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sampunk, Jul 31, 2008.