It's here, it's here!! The IBM X40 has arrived.
Well, almost, the thinnest ever and lightest ever notebook will hit the market next Tuesday 2/10/2004, but reviews are popping up now:
checkout this picture, somebody feed this thing, it's anorexically thin...
If it had a built-in DVD/CDRW drive and a price point of less than $1500, I'd be on this like a dog in heat![}
ahh, but if it had built in drives it wouldn't be so thin.
As is always the case in technology, you gain some you lose some based on features you want. I want the lightest laptop on the market, but I also want a built CD-RW/DVD drive. Those are conflicting features though! -
Two words! Panasonic W2![
according to that review the x40 has 64 mb of video memory? Is that integrated or what? I need a light notebook < 3.5 lbs with 32 MB video +
Yeah its integrated. It uses Intel's 855GM. It's fairly decent, but don't expect to play cutting edge games
IBM X40 Review -- Lightest notebook ever
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Andrew Baxter, Feb 5, 2004.