I am trying to do a clean install of WinXP on my Thinkpad T42 Notebook.
I have the IBM Rescue and Recovery CD and the 7-CD set of IBM product recover CDs. I installed the Rescue and Recovery disk. I installed the 7 Product Recovery CDs. After the last CD I am instructed to reboot. I rebooted - removing the last (7th) CD.
The reboot sends me directly into the rescue and recovery interface NOT into WinXP as I expected.
Could some kind soul PLEASE get me out of this rescue/recovery hell. I've been at this for hours!
Thank you,
I have never done a factory reinstall on any of my Thinkpad, but I would advice to get a HDD utility software like Hiren's, there's some utility to make active your C partition rather than the recovery one. I've done this on Compaq laptops with busted recovery functionality and it worked. Sorry not to be more specific, maybe getting PartitionMagic would help you to get out of that hell.
When you use the RR cds it first install the recovery partition to the drive. That is why it takes you to the RR screen after using the CD. You can now run RR from the drive. Same thing happened to me.
IBM Thinkpad T42 Clean Install. Help!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by dugla, Dec 28, 2008.