Hi!Can you please advise me as to which hdd is best to upgrade the slow 4200rpm 1.8-inch drive that my laptop will come with?I'm interested in the best value price/performance.Please if you could give the full name/type of the drive/s so I can google it!
Thank you!
I'd probably go with a compact flash boot drive ( detailed here).
That or one of the very few SSDs that will fit in your x4x is really the only sensible choice. -
Thanks for that,but can you please tell me which ssd's are compatible?
I bought an SSD similar to this on Ebay:
It made the X40 much faster. Mine is now my backup machine but still by far the best notebook I've ever had and longest I have ever used continuously (6 years and counting). Hope this helps. -
Thanks ,I'll consider that!
How is the fitting like- you need connector and stuff or you just plug it in? -
Thanks for your reply!I'll give it a try soon.
IBM ThinkPad X40/X41 hdd upgrade
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ibaG, Jan 26, 2010.