I have IBM T60 1400x1050 display.
I buy it second hand and cpu temp was 80 degreease , so i open it and clean fan from dust and change it old thermal cpu paste .
My T60 display flicker for no reason -display turns off 1-2seconds for no reason . and flickers very very fast when acces big video files folders (mpeg files) then laptop freeze completly and need to forced shoot down .
I dont know for sure if this problem occur after I open it ...
Was it flickering before you took it apart?
help -
It flickers for a reason beleive me and it flickers because you opened it up. But you didn't know it would.
Renee -
I see...so it flicker because i open it up...
Anyone know solution for this? anyone know a laptop hardware repair forum? -
I had the same problem. For me it was the ATI drivers. I removed all extra stuff and re-installed just the driver and all is well.
Scott -
extra stuff like what????????? are you sure same problem? display flickers very fast when acces fig video folder and sometimes for no reason? Anygame works perfect without flicker..
I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same flicker. I would get it for no reason. Very quick flickers. I uninstalled everything ATI except for the actual driver and all is well again.
Scott -
It turns out that I'm still experiencing the flicker but now it's only when I use my Flip Camcorder.
Scott -
hey, i have one of those flip camcorders. i find that i have to lift my t400 slightly in order to get the camcorder's built-in usb connector to attach. do you have to lift yours slightly as well? if so, maybe that's causing the flickering?
I have a somewhat related problem, but not exactly - so i will make a new thread
IBM T60 display flickers !!! HELP!!!!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by crossing, Jan 20, 2009.