I really hope somebody can help my probs with the T42. I am rather content w/ the machine. I bought it about a month ago...a couple of days ago, a colleague of mine knocked it off the table (it was about 4-5 feet off the ground). the machine still works! (EXCEPT there's a small crack now on the plastic on the lower left hand corner near the printer port) --I will get that fixed soon.
My issue is this. The cover (lid) of the T42 is really nice and was black. I clean the lid regularly (fingerprints bug me, i know...i'm a little wacko), but the question I have is this. I clean it almost every day, but now the lid is really...sparkly. It seems like a kid went and bought some glitter and put some on my lid...is this usual? Or should it be solid black with no glitter at all? somebody please help! Other than that, MAN, this is one SOLID machine![]
No, it shouldn't be glittery, can you post a picture?
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What did you use to clean the lid? Hopefully, you didn't use any caustic cleaners...
cloth & water
The most recent IBM notebook that I have used would be a Thinkpad X20 and the lid on that was sparkly. I just might be from the wear, I am not sure.
I won't worry about it too much though. -
Here is my take on it. The LCD cover is made of magnesium alloy, magnesium is very light weight, and ductile, so it can be machined almost like plastic. It is a silvery white metal, and it can be corroded by chlorides, and sulfates, and so on. So... You may be rubbing off the anodized coating and seeing some of the magnesium.
I had a breifcase made out of MAg alloy, and it also got sparkly but that was after a family member used a harsh cleaner on it.
IBM T42 Issues
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by vliou, May 8, 2005.