hi everyone. i'm using a T40, bought it august 2003 so its barely under a year old. when i first bought it, the fan was virtually silent. however, in the last few weeks, there was once where i carelessly left the laptop running for more than 2 days continuously, though it was sometimes on standby ie. it wasn't exactly working all the while.
since then however, the cooling fan has become MUCH more audible.. its nothing elctrical/buzzy but just a low humming sound.. as in u can actually HEAR the fan (or whatever it is) turning... occasionally it becomes a very low drone then goes back to the low humming sound. all this 'noise' is not terribly loud & can't be heard beyond a 1m radius of the laptop, but it wasn't there before, and its just very worrying. i've called up IBM etc but they don't know anything, asking me to run PC doctor instead. so i'm not sure if its the fan or the CPU. ? [ ]
2 questions [:I]:
1. what is going on? (i'm not a technie so someone please help!!!)
2. will my CPU break down? and if so how long will it take? a few months or a few weeks!?
3. what shall i do ?!?! [xx(]
p/s: i'm using AC power, i read somewhere that that might make a difference coz it makes the CPU turn faster or something, is that true? and if so, is there some settings in windows itself where i can change this power management point? - i couldn't find any!!! [} ]
PLEASE PLEASE HELP [V] as my exams are round the corner & i can't afford to have the fan/CPU break down on me!!!!! [:0] [:0][:0]
thanks!!! [:X]
oh yeah guys, i was ALWAYS using AC power since i got the laptop, but the fan/whatever noise just started. [|)]
how?!?!?!?!! [ ] [ ] [ ] -
guys, i seriously need help with this.
i changed the power management settings & the fan noise went away.
but now my laptop recently got hit by sasser & after killing off the viruses, installing patches etc, i suspect there is a trojan or replicating virus that is causing my CPU to process at a very high speed, becoming hot VERY quickly. within a few minutes of switching it on, it gets so heated up i can feel it through the keyboard.
i really need help & will be very appreciative if anyone can help. i hope one of you will be kind enough to share advice if you can. -
That's not good at all. It would be really odd though for you to run an updated AV program and something like AdAware and still have extra something or another running. I'd be afraid it's a more serious hardware issue. Have you called IBM support lately?
Editor in Chief http://www.bargainPDA.com and http://www.SPOTstop.com -
thanks so much for your reply!!! [ ]
i used mcafee's stinger which killed off sasser, in addition to BOTH adaware & spybot.
the CPU usage was at 100% & there was some program which was taking the temperature up big time (think OVEN). plus, before i shut down there comes up some remote admin stuff which makes me suspect someone is running a trojan on my com.
i checked task manager & it seemed to be the infamous realsched.exe so i've deleted that off.
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by tintinbry, Apr 29, 2004.