hi, i left my laptop on overnight compiling some software (linux) and when i woke up in the morning , the LCD Screen was really dark and faint and could barely recognize anything. Then i shut it down thinking maybe the fan on the cpu shutdown or something and that something was overheating.
So i opened up the laptop and cleaned out the cpu cooler, it was pretty filthy and put everything back together. NOW the LCD doesnt even come up and the computer doesnt seem to start. The LEDs for the battery and AC come on but nothing for hdd or anything else!!
I have read on the web this has to do with a capacitor which is responsible for reviving the laptop from hibernation mode. However if the cap cannot be discharged the laptop thinks it its still in hibernatino mode.
I have done many suggested things:
1) remove internal and external batteries in hopes of discharging the capacitor.
2) try different AC power supply
3) remove external battery and power up with AC only with pressing FN button
4) leave laptop in fridge in hopes that the cooler air will discharge the capacitor faster (also my laptop is like 5 plastic bags tied tightly)
Option 4 is what i am currently on..but just wondering if anyone from the forums has any ideas as this is a pain in tha rear...
please help
30GB IBM TravelStar
bootleg2go Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I would get your notebook out of the fridge as soon as possible, that is not going to help at all. What you need to do is call IBM support and see what they have to say. It most likely needs to go in for service.
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" (Ben Franklin)
http://pbase.com/joneill -
i did take it out of the fridge
it seems that the backlight on the LCD is gone..so im gonna get one from ebay and just install it myself
30GB IBM TravelStar
IBM T20 Hibernation problems
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by djpharoah, Mar 28, 2005.