Just wondering, are norton ghost and ibm rapid restore the same type of program? if I use IBM Rapid Restore, do I still need Norton Ghost? Cos it seems to me that both can perform the same function (i.e backup, restoring system to previous image etc...)...so no point installing both?
Just installed norton ghost before i realised about the functions of ibm rapid restore...
yes, they are the same thing in effect and you'd be better off just sticking with the built-in IBM Rapid Restore as it is a robust program and has everything you'll need to either full restore to your original day of delivery settings or "rewind" to a specific day.
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oh great...[ ]
but i just uninstalled ghost and tried to backup using ibm rapid restore to usb hdd...er, where does the backup go to? I can't see it anywhere on my usb hdd....wanted to try to burn it to dvd with desktop cos me thinkpad no dvd burner...
IBM Rapid Restore
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by tensai_jin, Mar 17, 2005.