I'll have pictures when I get home, but I've basically taken it apart already. The keyboard and keyboard bezel are both off, and I've exposed much of the inside. I'm basically at page 93 of this manual:
My aim was to clean the laptop and repaste the CPU and all other components. However, I know I also have a "32MB ATI Mobility RADEON 9000 video chipset", except I can't find it. Is there a heatsink on it? There is only one other heatsink on the motherboard, a tiny little thing with no fan near the touchpad area...I assumed this was the motherboard chipset. Any need to repaste that?
On page 144 of the manual is a list of compenents, can anyone find the video chipset from that?
Thanks a lot, I hate having my computer apart and not being able to put it together because I can't find the GPU to repaste. Any help at all is appreciated, and I'm posting pictures as soon as I get home!
what is the model no. of your R51? xxxx-xxx
You GPU may not even have a paste on it. My R40 has a thermal pad on the GPU (32MB Radeon 7500).
The small heatsink without a fan is likely your video chip. It would be in the same spot as the ATI chip that is upside down in this picture.
Thinkpad R51 Motherboard | Flickr - Photo Sharing! -
Does the image posted here look similar to the layout of your motherboard? If so from the looks of things it seems the GPU is right next to the CPU socket.
Not 100% similar. I'm getting my girlfriend to send me pictures now so I'll post them...
I have an extra tiny heatsink..and nothing says ATI
Give me 10 mins please and we'll have pics -
Here am I (bible joke!)
I'll bet the chip under the extra tiny heatsink says ATI.
If I were you I'd clean all that dust out of the fan and leave the heatsinks alone. -
I would leave it alone, but the computer is OOOOOLLLLDDD!! A repasting will save me the headache of wondering if it's going to catch fire every time I play a game of pong!
Any instructions on removing the video chipset fan?
Thanks a lot for the help!
PS. Don't worry, I won't hold you liable if I blow myself up! -
I'm not sure you will find any paste under there to replace. I'm pretty sure that model used a TIM pad. It may be old, but if it works and doesn't overheat, why try to fix what isn't broken?
Judging from the pic I think, there's no video chipset fan. The silver aluminum heatsink is what you need to remove to get to the video card.
The CPU fan and heatsink assembly is removed by loosening all the screws in the order indicated in the manual. -
Also, I've been looking at tools to change the CPU fan speed. All I found is this: How to control fan speed - ThinkWiki
Shimodax's fan control. It has a lengthy caution about how it may mess with the thermal sensor in the CPU and cause the fan to not revert to the original state...which is bad...all I want is something to either keep the optimal temperature lower than it currently is, or only override the fan control to INCREASE fan speed, never to prevent it from increasing if it deems it necessary...
Lol...do you know of anything like that? Thanks again!
IBM R51 disassembly help!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Rykoshet, Apr 6, 2011.