OK, so my stupid rear knocked my IBM Thinkpad R-50 off my bad, about a 1 1/2 ft drop. Picked it up, it was off, I was thinking it was the HD shock protection, but powered off and back on and I can dimly see the IBM Thinkpad, just BARELY on the screen but never progresses beyond that, and again, super dim.
I did the unhook ac adapter and battery and hold power for 30 sec, no luck.
Made sure HD was still plugged in good, which even if it wasn't it shouldn't affect initial boot. No good. Removed and reseated the RAM chip, no luck....
What's it doing and can I fix it? I've only had it a couple weeks.
So, plugged in external monitor.... works OK.... could this just be a loose lcd cable? *cry*
Open the case and see if anything is damaged inside. Probably the loose LCD cable.
I am looking right now, where is the LCD cable at exactly under th ekeyboard?
No real luck. I found most of the littler cables shown here I think, but the images all seem to show a large, reubbon like cable that is suppose to connect between display and MB, and I don't see it at all.
Also, should I take the LCD apart and check connections there? How do I get the lil screw covers out, they dont seem to want to pop out like others have.
TIA. -
Anybody offer some advice?
I found, unhooked, and reseated the lcd cable on the motherboard end with no luck.... You think there's any chance it's loose either in the LCD housing or at the inverter card? Or no?
I don't want to get a new screen.
Also, how do I get those blasted screw covers off on the lcd housing?
IBM R50 - dim then nothing
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by DaPurpleRT, May 30, 2008.