Myu Battery went down from 6 hours to 2 Hours... How the heck I fix??
Is there a easy fix OTHER than buying me a expensive new battery?
My 600E has gone through 2 batteries since I owned it (and been without a battery for over a year total). First battery went from normal to completely dead at once - when I went to sleep it worked, I got up and it was dead. Next one worked well for about 2 years, then slowly the battery life dropped off, last summer it completely died.
How old is it. They can go bad after a year.
Wow, a year! The battery is strange... Somedays 4 hours, others 1:30 mins...
I have to change battery. Eck
Where can I buy battery in Canada (Kitchener-Waterloo)?
PS: Battery is about 2 years almost. -
I am assuming you can buy one on the internet.
lol... I tried something stupid and it worked... I drained the battery and then charged without touching for a day. Now I getting 5-6 Hours... I also shut off wireless and I am getting awesome battery life..
Is DRANING battery save?? Should I do it often? -
Don't let it go to 0%, but it shoul shut down before that.
A couple of discharges - > charges usually restores some of the battery life. It's about the battery memory. That's why some of the older batteries died really fast if you weren't carefull. Like, if you had a cell-phone charger in your car and let it load the phone a little bit here, a little bit there the battery wouldn't last very long. On the other hand, if you let it discharge almost completely -> charge completely it would last a lot longer. LaptopBatteries are no different I'd say. I even have a small battery optimizer tool which came with my old HP laptop where it'll run a couple of discharges - > charges for you.
Many common battery chargers have the function as well, "Discharge before charge" function, to save battery life -
So It safe? or no?
Gosh Battery is a lot.. -
It should be totaly safe to discharge it, In the case of any normal re-chargable battery. I don't know wheter the R40 battery is any different, but I doubt it, and seing as you seem to have some problems with it I'd say that you should give it a shot. Discharge -> Full Charge it a couple of times.
IBM R40 Battery
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by waterloo, Jan 28, 2006.