I see the difference between i7-2720QM vs i72820QM
clock speed: 2.2Ghz vs 2.3Ghz
Memory: 6MB vs 8MB
Turbo Frequency: 3.2 vs 3.3
I know but price of $170 makes difference. Is it worth it for coding purpose? it might help but 0.1 only (apart from memory)
I don't think it is worth it, unless it has some other features.
IMHO, if you mainly do coding, the difference is not worth $170. I'm also programmer and ordered W520 with 2720QM.
no other difference
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There's little to no difference, especially if you're not running at 100% all the time.
Save the money for the things that are important for coding, such as the 1600x900 or 1920x1080 screen.
I'm currently trying to advise my university's IT team to include the 1920x1080 upgrade rather than the 2820QM upgrade on the pre-config model of the W520 they sell next year in the university bookstore. Last year's W510 came with 1600x900 and the 820QM, but the 720QM->820QM difference is more significant than the 2720QM->2820QM difference, and the 2720QM beats the pants off last year's 820QM anyway. -
Little to no difference. 100 mhz can be considered a rounding error.
I7 2720QM or I7 2820QM
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by nni123, Apr 13, 2011.