After wasting 2 weeks trying to decide which laptop to purchase I have decided on IBM. My brother has a T42. My undersized Dell leather laptop bag purchased on Ebay for $35 will house the T43. Any T43 owners please chime in with your opinions. I will adding 1Gb of memory to the base 256mb. For those of you who have ever attempted adding ram to a laptop, a special olympian could accomplish the task with relative ease.
Might want to consider T42. Less fan noise and better battery life.
the PCI Express slot is the major external hardware differentiator between the T42 and T43, and also you can get the Pentium M Sonoma platform with the T43 -- it offers about a 10% performance improvement but as zazonz says, it will run warmer. So just depends what you want, better performance or cooler running.
I'm getting a ThinkPad T43 Series (Type 1875)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Hans Gruber, Sep 18, 2005.