I think I will take this (the one on the left, with multiburner for 1899)
Altough it isnt as cheap as possible (which was my main principle) it is X41 and has mediaslice and multiburner. What do you think about this deal?
I suppose an extra $100 for the internal non-replaceable ram is reasonable, but any idea what the difference between the 3CU and 54U is? Comparing the specs, it looks like there's a $50 upgrade for nothing
who knows... mayby there is some kind of diffreance...
anyway, why more RAM? for about 100$ (US $ ^_^) I have a 1GB Kingston memory module here in my country...
256 + 1024 = 1280 = so much that I will never ever need more ^_^ -
I'd take a look at the x32. It is a little heavier than the x41, but x41 use a 1.8" hard drives which are limited to 4200RPM speed. The x32 is use a standard 2.5" hard drive. They come with 5400RPM drives which greatly increases performance. They also use regular Dothan Pentium Ms versus the LV Pentium Ms in the x41. x41 have a standard four cell battery. You can get upgrade to an eight cell battery, but it sticks out from the back and makes it close in weight to the x32. As for the DVD burner, not too impressed with ThinkPad burners. They are slow, expensive, are picky on media and have poor burn quality. I'd take a look at the NEC ND-6650A which will offer better burn quality and is much faster. You can pick up a USB powered external case for $20. If you need th lightest possibe, the x41 is the way to go. Good Luck.
Thx zazonz but X41 is a computer I really really want (I was thinking about T43 1450x1050 tough, but when I had T43 and X41 on my table at once, I've decided for sure...)
hmm... I know that multiburner isnt good when compared to other drives (LaCie Lightscribe d2 external for example) but it comes with this offer for almost free
somebody knows a good way to ship it from Canada to UK? And avoid paying import taxes (well, this shouldnt be a problem... how to apply import tax, when private person sends a package to anoter private person?), but I would like to ask to be sure ^_^ -
They don't offer x41s in the UK?
they offer them in the UK... the offer looks like this - 1250gbp and no X4 Ultrabase, no Multiburner, no 3 year warranty... thats the offer...
I think I've decided on my X41 ^_^
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by maciekk, Sep 21, 2005.