I bought the t61p 15" on the 8/16/07 and I paid with a debit card. this past Monday (8/20/07) Lenovo returned my money back for no reason. I have been checking the status of my computer since then, and the status is still alive. Tomorrow I will cancel my bank account to change to another bank ( I'm not doing this 'cause I don't want lenovo to retake the money, but I'm just doing it 'cause I planned this months ago.) I'm just afraid that if I call, they will notice they returned my money back by mistake, so they'll ask me for the money (which means I was getting a laptop for free) or they just forgot to post the cancellation of my order on my lenovo account. I never called lonovo to cancel my order, but I know they're not selling the 15" anymore so I also think they ran out of supply. I just wanted to know if anybody had a case similar to this. thanks
A temporary authorization is performed initially to make sure you can pay for the laptop. When the formal charge was not received by your bank they released the funds. This completely normal. Just before the laptop ships Lenovo does the actual charge. If you close your account then your laptop will not ship.
so this means I should let lenovo know about my other account 'cause I planned to close this bank account (the one I used for paying the computer) way before ordering my laptop
JabbaJabba ThinkPad Facilitator
If you still want the notebook, I think you have to.
If you want your purchase to be processed then yes you need to tell them.
I got my money back but my order is still in procces
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by peruanito27, Aug 19, 2007.