Except the Thinkpad Edge!
The Obento design of the Thinkpad is on par with Sony Vaio design (call me crazy!)!
P.S. Macbook Pro is overrated, Powerbook G4 was the greatest laptop invention for Apple and lol at Macbook Air!
I love most of the Thinkpad, I also like the soon-to-be release e420s. The one with the real chrome and glass display, along with the matte finish.
Unlike you I think the Vaio design isn't that great and Macbook Pro design are vastly superior. -
Macbook Pro has this black plastic all over its screen which makes it look ridiculously ugly unlike the old Powerbook G4.
And premium vaio models has a nice design and quality build, the recent low-end ones look ugly and shiny to my taste.
Thinkpad and matte body all the way. -
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the Thinkpad design to be pleasing. I still remember going to a computer show in the late 90's, looking for a laptop, and setting eyes upon a little 560X sitting on a vendor's table. Amid the sea of shiny, colorful laptops, that slim black box captured my attention, much to my mother's chagrin. She protested, saying I shouldn't get the ugly one, but I came home with that 560x, and it started an addiction.
I'm on my 5th Thinkpad now, and I don't see me switching from the wonderful matte world any time soon. -
To me classic Thinkpad has a very conservative grace to it.
ThinkPad design is simple, elegant and timeless, not subject to the whims du jour. If compared a ThinkPad from 10 years ago to one offered now, the new one is a bit slimmer and lighter, but they basically look the same except the Windows key, especially now that Lenovo has brought back the button stripes.
Personally I like the Mac design. They simple and elegant in their own way. The Air is one fast little machine and a very good portable. If were to consider something outside a ThinkPad, the Air would definitely be on my short list. -
yes, ThinkPad design is great, from my s30 to X301.
check this concept design back in 2003 YouTube - ThinkPad Houdini
I hope they release this to market. -
My my you're an old-timer unlike me.
Indeed, Thinkpad is like a rolls-royce or an aviator sunglasses, only gets better when it gets older.
Also about the matte, I have a trusty Sony PS2 back from 2001 and recently I am reusing it to play some titles I didn't have the chance to play before (Okami). The thing is that the original PS2 design has a matte finish which looks far more beautiful than the glossy PS3.
Gonna change my mind abit after having a 2nd check on Macbook Air, it's awesome looking and well-made, but it's overpriced (thanks to it being an Apple).
What makes me hate Apple is how their systems are closed to their own products.
You are the first person I know that is praising the 16:9 aspect ratio on a laptop.
A wide-screens fan since 2001.
Not saying 4:3 or 16:10 are bad, but to me the wider the better (For youtube, movies etc), and I hope they release a 21:9 ratio Thinkpad in the near future! -
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
For the longest time I did not like the ThinkPad design. I thought they looked all alike, the only real difference was that little model number written in the bottom right hand corner of the LCD.
But of course that was me being a 10 year old kid, and my first ThinkPad was a T20 with a Pentium 3 I did not like my real first laptop at all. As I kept on playing laptop games, my parents confiscated it from me. I always thought Alienwares and Falcon NW were cool, til I saw the price tags and realized my gaming desktop crushed them all.
Years later after realizing how great ThinkPads were, I bought one for office work and boy do I love ThinkPads. -
Thinkpad as a 10 years old, you're spoiled!
Never had a laptop myself till I was 15 years old and it was a Vaio Z1 and man I loved it, though I gave it to my elder brother and when I asked him to return it to me, he refused to give it back to me *sigh*.
Now my Vaio Nostaliga strikes back and torn between a Vaio F and a Thinkpad T510. -
But for real those 21:9 are awesome!
Too "wide"! -
"Never had a laptop myself till I was 15 years old"
This gave me a giggle because I was over 60 when I got my first notebook.
Renee -
Had a t30 when I was 13, while it run hot it serve me a long time.
Classy, IBM days Thinkpad hehe. -
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
Haha I know, come to think of it I wonder where they hid the laptop. Sucks because my next laptop was a Pentium 2 Toshiba laptop then I knew I really missed my ThinkPad...
Having a 3,5 years old toshiba satellite that's I've taken to the maintenace due to black screen of death, and it was driving me nuts since the 1st day I bought it in 2007.
Time to upgrade to a T510, waiting for the best deal out of it.
EDIT: Nvidia 512 GPU ruined my dreams hehe, gonna wait till I attend Architecture school then I'll buy me the latest T-series or previous year W-series, just hoping I can save enough money for either. -
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
What I find amazing about the ThinkPad design is its utter simplicity and its uncanny understatement. The black box reminds me in many ways of the monolith in A.C. Clarke's "2001: A Space Odyssey" - simple, utterly inscrutable, and mysterious.
I also like the all black interior - the blood-red trackpoint, the red-lined "wings" - very cool! There is something neat and well-ordered (in a friendly way) about the layout. The firmness of the keyboard (after I had it replaced by IBM/Lenovo) is excellent. It runs cool and is in an oddly "humanoid" way, quite reassuring.
I also must be in a minority when I say that I love the asymmetrical way in which the screen is laid out (at least on my R400). I used to think that it would bother me, but I'm afraid, I'll miss it in the later gen machines (like the X201) which don't have them.
In conclusion, I'm afraid I've kinda spoilt things for myself by opting for ThinkPads - I am now thoroughly biased in favour of them. -
It's all about the Black Box!
Sexy, sleek, elegant and timeless beauty.
And the asymmetrical screen is rather weird to me. -
I got to confess, the first time I saw a ThinkPad is when I was 14 years old working in a bank as part of a school employment program for 2 weeks. When a guy brought out his old ThinkPad (can't remember which model, it had a Pentium MMX processor and it was 2002 back then!) to show some spreadsheets (rocking on Windows NT 3.5) I thought it was the most hideous thing ever! I thought to myself "Ewww, i'm definitely not going to be seen in one of those!"
Fast forward almost 9 years and i'm the proud owner of 2 ThinkPads, being my 4th and 5th overall - I think that kinda explains it all really! -
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
Hahaha to the above. That was initial reaction to ThinkPads. I was like who the heck would pay 2 grand for this?? Then years later I buy a ThinkPad for office use.
The thinkpad design is in a league of its own. The only other machines that match its elegance are dell business models.
I have found these design-related blogs both instructive and entertaining:
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
Yup absolutely agree that business is the way to go, even if you are a student or a light user. And the funny part, mainstream business laptops hardly cost anymore, sometimes less than consumer models. People only care about how much GB of RAM and the hard drive space lol.
I am another fan of the Thinkpad design (I don't own one, I own a Latitude but hope to own a Thinkpad in the future). It's classy, matte black, and I like the bright color accents (red Trackpoint and buttons, yellow power plug, green LEDs, etc.) My Dell pretty much only has three colors, silver, black, and blue, and it's mostly muted. -
I've wanted a Thinkpad ever since my dad brought home his work-issued T42--I loved the different color accents and overall look (as a side note, I wish Lenovo color-coded the Function key row light gray like IBM's old Thinkpads used to have). When it came time for me to buy my first laptop, though, the Thinkpads (at the time, the T60 was about to be released, I think) were far too expensive for me to afford.
A few years later, though, and Thinkpads were finally within my budget when it came time to get a new laptop, my T500. Just added an X120e cousin as well -
I saw my first thinkpad in the early to mid 90s and since then I have lusted after the icon. It wasnt until the t400 that I could afford one that suited my needs. Couldnt be happier nwo that I have an x200s on the way!
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
One problem I am going to have with ThinkPads (from the R400 onwards) is that I don't think I can (or, more precisely, will want to) sell any of them as and when I upgrade to newer/ different models. At the end of the day, I may end up like, among others, Lead_org who seems to have a huge number of old ThinkPads in their collection.
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
MidnightSun, x120e is like baby cousin compared to big daddy T500 lol.
Yeah I am thinking about more ThinkPads...they will be assimilated into my laptop collection! Resistance is futile! -
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
lol I would like an old school IBM one for like print server computer. We still have an old LaserJet 4L circa like 1993, still works but driver support...ends at XP lol.
Did all SXGA+ ThinkPads back then have the IPS screen or would it have to be listed?
Maybe lead_org can lead me in the right direction of buying old school ThinkPads. -
It's pretty hard to find them these days, especially in mint condition. If it was your own machine, you'd take really good care of it. But being expensive business-class laptops, those ThinkPad gems were mostly assigned to corporate citizens, who traveled and abused them like crazy. -
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
Darn, that sucks. Looks like no old school IPS ThinkPads for me hahaha. Way to ruin it for me Kaso.
Oh yeah I don't doubt IPS panels are crazy expensive. I heard DreamColor2 is over 1000 if you crack it, though it is RGBLED lol. -
Id rather take a qxga thinkpad.
Right when they were transitioning from the T60 to the T61, they were offering the SXGA+ IPS as a free upgrade on the T60. As I recall, you could get a T60 with the FlexView for about $900. It's just a different world these days. Few are willing to drop $2k for a notebook any more.
The hardware improvement will not slowdown anytime soon, the moore's law still have a few more decade left.
My point is that keeping up with the jones will always hurt your wallet and will cost alot more then buying a 2k+ laptop every few to several years. I must admit that I hate the way laptops are going price and quality wise. Sure you can but laptops for ALOT cheaper these days, but the manufacturing quality is alot worse. Seems like pricing is geared towards making laptops near disposable. Hope this trend doesnt continue or Ill start fearing bringing my laptop with me when i travel outside the relative safety of my home. -
I can see your point there.
I am the type who spend medium to premium price on a laptop that lasts me for long (at least till the next big windows OS release, unless it malfunction before to the point the repair will cost me alot).
And about the laptop quality, best thing to do now is buying a business-focused laptop since those are the best quality in the market in term of the build quality.
OFFTOPIC: A T520s would be a nice addition to the Thinkpad line. -
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
So, should I keep up with my imaginary neighbour who has ordered for the X220 just to be at the "bleeding edge"? My heart tells me yes, but thankfully my mind, which also controls the purse strings, says, no - get a well spec'ed X201. -
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
I Love The Thinkpad Design
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Pochi, Mar 10, 2011.