I read over at Thinkpad forums that the X60s supports running Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10. I don't know much about Linux besides the fact that most distros are free. I'm assuming Suse Enterprise cost money, however. Is it a yearly fee like Red Hat?
Are there other Linux distros that will work with all the Thinkpad hardware?
I use ubuntu with my x60. I have to say once trying ubuntu I have never gone back to windows.
There were only a few little things that I had to get help with but just takes a little reading to fix the problems. And this is nothing major just little things like sharing a folder with the windows network. Or getting the bluetooth mouse to work. -
FWIW, I ran Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 on my T60 with very few snags. I just had to get my Video card drivers installed and the BT mouse working.
Ubuntu runs really smoothly for me. Which is not really surprising since it runs smoothly on almost anything. However, I still dual boot WinXP because I can't live without PS CS3, FrontPage, and Microsoft Visual Studio. And Gimp just doesn't quite cut it for me.
About Suse though, yes it is a yearly fee.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 1-Device 1-Year Subscription $50.00
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 1-Device 3-Year Subscription $125.00
How's Linux on the X60s?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sp00n, Jan 14, 2007.