Hello! I have recently bought a Lenovo 3000 N200 Laptop. The model is 0769.
I have heard that I can use the Fingerprint as a "Master password". In this way, when you're surfing a web that requires a pass, you don't have to introduce your pass, you only pass your finger trough the Fingerprint and it's introduce your pass automaticaly. Obviously, you must enter the pass at least one time previously.
I want to know what to do to can use the Fingerprint as a "Master password".
On my laptop I use Verisoft Access Manager, which detects when you've typed a username and password and asks to remember it. Next time you return to that login page a dialog comes up to ask you to type in your computer password or swipe your finger. You swipe, and the information is filled in by Access Manager and automatically proceeds to the next page. I dont know of alternatives to Access Manager, which is not free, but i'd say there are some out there
Grand Admiral -
Just an additional note, this system is called SSO (Single Sign On). Did a quick google and found this link http://fingerprint-login.qarchive.org/ which lists a whole heap of freebies. However, if your willing to pay I would recommend Verisoft Access Manager. It also lets you log into windows (XP and Vista) with a fingerprint.
Grand Admiral -
Fingerprint SW. But I don't know if this program could be use for the Internet surfing too.
Thanks for your comments.
I have a last question: How much does Verisoft Access Manager cost? Can you tell me some URL where buy it?
Thanks again! -
Unfortunately it looks like Verisoft Access Manager is primarily aimed at companies. I found a starter pack (no details provided) for $500. However I also found this post http://www.notebookforums.com/thread195127.html that says they were offered it on a website for $70. The site itself is not provided though. Personally I'd have a look at the free ones i mentioned in my earlier post.
Have Fun
Grand Admiral -
I dont know if you could use Client security solution 8 on a Lenovo branded laptop(not a thinkpad), but this is what I use to store login info for websites and windows applications. I can logon to websites by just swiping my finger. When you log in to a website after you have installed CSS8, a prompt comes up asking you if you want to store the login info. It asks for details like what would you name the entry for the login info and how to protect it(you could protect it with a fingerprint or a windows password). The next time you open the website it asks you to swipe your finger. voila!!!
Well, I've confirmed one thing. When I open my web browser (IE or Firefox) the Password Manager ask me for swiping my finger. After this, it puts all the passwords that I have saved previously.
But it only ask me for the first time, and then introduce the passwords automatically.
I think that is the form that Lenovo's Software have to work. I thought that I would pass my finger over the fingerprint one time for each site, but I think that is more confortable to do it only one time...
I think that I don't need any extra software for this.
Thanks to all for your replys!!
Bye!! -
Is there any free software you can use for this? -
JabbaJabba ThinkPad Facilitator
Gridtalker, look at my second post. That link leads to a whole heap of free SSO software for use with fingerprint readers.
Grand Admiral -
I use the password manager included with CSS for my 1-swipe password needs. Works great!
How to use the Fingerprint for webs??
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by wario_neilense, Dec 4, 2007.