Hiya fellas, got my thinkpad, love working on it. Just one question, how do you reproduce the crashes seen in this thread? I want to test it out and see if I have the same problem as well. Regards!
Do something with 3d involved:
- PC Doctor 5 tests
- 3D Mark 06
- BioShock
- World of Warcraft
Not all of the above will produce the crash, but the last two are what crashes mine most reliably. -
Hiya webdtc, I think your T61P has the problem right? Does it crash on 3Dmark and PC Doctor?
When I had the problem, neither PC Doctor nor 3DMark produced the problem. PC Doctor actually ran completely smoothly, while 3DMark just froze several seconds into the test. It's mostly playing a 3D intensive game when both RAM slots are filled.
Mine does not crash or freeze when running PC Doctor 5 or 3DMark 06. But, if I play any games it shutsdown randomly. I've tried BioShock Demo and World of Warcraft. For me those two always trigger the shutdown within a few minutes.
The harder you push the graphics card, the more likely you'll get the crash. So launching a demo (if you don't have a full copy) of BioShock or even something more demanding might be a good idea.
Not all machines that crash with certain games do also crash with 3DMark or PC Doctor. And it doesn't always happen immediatelly - sometimes well into the game (few, few-teen minutes). So let your machine feel the heat! -
I never noticed that mine crashes based on how hard it's pushed. For example 3d Mark 06 uses a lot more CPU and causes my machine (GPU and CPU) to heat up much more than WoW does. But it doesn't crash for 3d Mark and crashes easily for WoW.
WoW does use a ton more RAM though, so maybe that is a factor.
Just try out some new games and have fun if they don't crash -
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
webdtc, as I said, some people don't even have this problem at all with 3DMark or PC Doctor but only with some games. I think what makes modern games different from 3DMark and PC Doctor is that they're giving a hard time to both the GPU and the CPU. Which is what I suggest GoodToGo to do.
The Fire Snake, I don't think it's thermal either. I think in fact it's an overall stress on the motherboard, possibly one of the bridges. And I draw that conclusion from the fact that one of the users on Lenovo forums downclocked his RAM and Mark_Lenovo admitted that this is a smart temporary solution because it decreases the burden on the system. So in order to get the crash, you'd need to (and I'll quote myself) let the machine feel the heat!
[OK, now I see where the misunderstanding came from - when I said "heat" I meant pressing the GPU and CPU to the top of their performance, and not putting the laptop in a microwave oven .]
How to reproduce the graphics card crash?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by GoodToGo, Apr 1, 2008.