I'm assuming it won't come with a Windows 7 disk but will have a serial number sticker attached to the machine.
I usually like to start things off fresh with my own install so if I use another disk to install and then register with my serial number, thats fine yes?
Alternatively, what happens if the harddrive crashed in the future and I did not have a disk to install Windows from, how would I go about installing Windows?
All new ThinkPad systems with Windows will come preloaded with Rescue & Recovery software that will allow you to make a set of Recovery Discs for you to keep. However, should you want to do a clean installation then you can obtain the relevant Windows 7 disc from this thread here and use the OEM key to activate the OS (or use ABR Backup and Restore application to transfer the activation keys from the factory installation to the new installation).
Perfect. Thank you very much for that link.
I like to do all maintenance on my computers myself and don't like using and Rescue software etc. I prefer a clean installation and I backup my files onto externals etc.
That thread is very helpful and I like that it is a trusted source for the disc.
I have Windows professional discs at home but not Home Premium.
Appreciate it!
How to reinstall Windows with no disk? and Am I allowed to reinstall windows on my new Lenovo?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Logikal10, Jan 4, 2012.