I really wanna buy a T61 but I dont have an american credit card...I could manage to provide an american shipping address, but I only have a german or a bermudian credit card. Is there any way to order for the great prices on the Lenovo web page?
Can I use something like Paypal / Google Checkout?
Are there any dealers that allow international credit cards but have the same good prices?
THankyou for your help already!
Euclid computers ship nearly everywhere.
But there prices are so much worse than at Lenovo :/ And I want Home premium not the Business one ... Do you have an idea?
Do you live in the states? Get a card then, or have a friend order it for you
T61 does not have international warranty as for example T60. Do you still want it?
Wouldn't the cost be more with tax+tariff? This is assuming that you can purchase this from a reseller in US.
The €-$ exchange rate is heavily in favour of the Europeans at the moment (€1 == $1.34)...with the coupons, discounted sale prices and the exchange rate, he stands to save a lot for a high spec machine!!
Yea, its for the exchange rate plus IBM is really expensive in Europe. Well, if I have to order from Euclid, can I change the Vista Business to Vista Home Premium? Cuz I need the multimedia features!
I guess that you then have to order the one with Ultimate.
Yes, Euclid is cheaper than buying in EU.
How to get a T61 without an American Credit Card?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by wireless033, Jun 8, 2007.