I did a clean install of Windows 7 Pro 64 bit earlier and for the life of me I can't get OSD up and running. I guess I either installed the wrong files or did it in the wrong order? I'd be very grateful if someone pointed me to the exact drivers/programs I need to install, and in which order. I am on a T400 w/ integrated graphics.
I am not quite sure, but I did it this way.
Lenovo System Interface Driver -> Hotkey driver -
I uninstalled System Interface and Hotkey driver, restarted, and then installed in that order with those files with a restart between each install. It didn't help me.
I can get the OSD for the Thinklight and the volume, but I am unable to get the OSD for brightness, which is very important to me.
Another issue possibly related: when I start up the computer, I get two duplicate message boxes pop up. They are the generic "open file" dialogue boxes that ask me if I want to allow TPOSDSVC.exe to run. This file should be the OSD file, right? I click "Allow" or "Run" (I forget which it is) but absolutely nothing happens.
What's the deal? -
Do you have some sort of anti-virus or personal security software running that restricts what programs can run and what cannot? To me it sounds like some of the necessary files to display the OSD get blocked from running.
Oops, you must be having the same problem as me.
Check this out. My X200s's OSD works fine now.
Thanks to frenchbat. Cheers. -
Thanks, that did the trick!
I still have a really annoying issue though. Whenever I boot up I get prompted to allow TPOSDSVC.exe twice. How can I permanently allow this to run so I don't have to manually allow it constantly? -
There is a very specific order in which to install things with a windows 7 clean build, but I have yet to figure it out. -
I followed Kuzuryuusen's thread and downloaded/installed the other driver and OSD is working now for me.
I am still having the issue where Windows prompts me to allow TPOSDSVC.exe and TPONSCR.exe to run every time I boot. How to solve?
How to get OSD working in Windows 7
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by intoflatlines, Oct 23, 2009.