I have a serial number of a Thinkpad W540. I need to find its original config when it is shipped.
Where can I find it? Note that I need information on this particular machine. Did some google but did not find a link for a particular machine.
Try entering the info here:
Warranty Lookup - Lenovo Support (US)
On the next page you *should* get the "parts lookup" option amongst other things.
That's at least the way it used to be. I don't use that website anymore, so YMMV.
Good luck.MDDZ likes this. -
Regards. -
The "Parts lookup" that I'm referring to is accessed by entering the machine's model and serial number, and provides you with the exact configuration that a particular system - matching the given serial - has left the factory with, which is what you're looking for.
MDDZ likes this. -
Could you please give me the link you are referring to?
Regards.Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015 -
I found the link you are talking about. It is the same link I was referring to.
Thanks a lot!!!! -
They moved it out of sight, but...here you go:
Select Your Product - Lenovo Support (US)
BTW, you should remove that serial number from your post. Yesterday.
Not good for the machine's current owner or any future one.MDDZ likes this. -
ajkula66, many thanks!
I was able to get to this PARTS LOOKUP page:
Currently viewing support resources for: ThinkPad T Series laptops ThinkPad T61
I get Machine Type error:
Multiple results were found, please refine your search.
Have tried info from several ThinkPads and get the same error, any idea what the problem might be? Thanks, -Paul -
Serial numbers are re-used across different models over time so you sometimes need to enter both -
Older (pre-40-series) ThinkPads actually had four digits, no letters. 2772 would belong to a X301 range - for instance - where 2537 would mean that one is looking at a T410 system.
My understanding is that with the T61 the model number is 3 alphanumeric characters after the machine type on the bottom to the left of the S/N in the format: TYPE 1234-XXX
where XXX is the model number. Is there a different model number I should be using? I have used the 7 alphanumeric characters with and without the hyphen and get errors with both. Thanks, -Paul -
No. The model number is the first four characters, such as 8891. Full MTM would be - for instance - 8891-02U or 2537-RB7
You'll never find anything for a T61. Lenovo has scraped the database from all the info regarding pre-T410 models. -
I have a MTM spreadsheet that is fantastic for standard models of the T series, as is the online version:
but it is no help with with Custom To Order models (1234-CTO). As it turns out, many of the T61s I am interested in are CTO. Is there a plan B for them? Thanks, -Paul -
There is no "plan B".
Now let me ask you this: what version of T61 *exactly* are you interested in?
You may answer the question here, although I feel it would be more appropriate to start your own thread regarding this matter. -
I love T61s and there seems to be a glut of them on ebay right now, many listed by sellers with little interest in posting all the specs or responding to questions. I would like to know what is in them so I can bid a fair price on them, rather than a "can't get hurt too bad, lets take a gamble" price and miss out on a great thinkpad, or end up with machines that I have little use for.
I could post the MTMs of all the T61 CTOs I find on ebay, but I think I will spare you the anguish of seeing that and me the embarrassment.
I would love to start a thread about this, but first I need to come up with a better title than "how do I spot premium T61s at bargain prices on ebay?"
As with all your other help, any input here would be greatly appreciated. -Paul
How to find the original config on a particular Thinkpad with a serial number?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MDDZ, Jan 28, 2015.