dear all, I tried to used "diskpart" to do the job, but when I use the command "delete partition". The computer ask me to use override parameter. I have no idea what it is? By the way, the OEM partition has "size 5760 MB" and "offset 1024KB". Thanks for kindness and help! fiona.
I didn't know how to use the override function either. Hell, I didn't even know that Diskpart even existed in the first place. Google solved the problem. -
I did some google and found your discussion with other about using diskpart. That is why I knew something about diskpart. Jonny, could you please tell me how to set the override parameter? thanks a bunch! fiona
It is on literally the 3rd result in Google for "diskpart." Just don't use the "[" (brackets).
just read the link johnny posted, its not long and its quite helpful to learn how to do this.
Very simple, and I don't know why people are referring you to google rather than just posting the answer here. Very frustrating!
When deleting a disk or partition using diskpart, just type the word "override" (without the speechmarks) at the end of the command line. For example
delete disk override
delete partition override
You obviously have to select the desired disk or partition first. -
When I asked the same question, someone merely mentioned "diskpart" to me- told me absolutely nothing on how to use it. I Googled it, found out what it was. Didn't know how to override the system protection of the partition, Googled that. I deleted the partition in no time. Unless the asker of "questions easily answered by a search effort" is stupider, lazier, or in all respects less competent than I am in life, there is absolutely no reason to not make the effort of finding the answer in Google.
Google doesn't even require the user to be computer literate- it only requires English skills. -
Well, I at least have an excuse. -
for all the people afraid of google:
1) hit the start and R buttons at the same time and you will get the run window
2) type diskpart and press enter
3) type list disk and press enter
4) select the main disk(usually the largest one) if your main disk is disk 0, type "select disk 0"
5)Once the disk is selected, type "list partition" and hit enter
6)Your "hidden" paritition will be around 4400MB to about 5000MB. In my case it was partition 1.
7) type "select partition 1" and hit enter
8 type "delete partition 1 override" and hit enter
You can then do whatever you want with this space, you can turn it into another primary parition, you can use acronis and merge partitions, etc etc etc
Again, the disk and partition numbers I used were for my system, please be careful as the info on your system could differ.
How to delete OEM partition?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by little_fiona, Jul 4, 2007.