My T400 has a 4500MHD integrated graphics. It seems 1.2Gb of system memory are shared video memeory. Is there a way to reduce that?
Go into BIOS on start up. It'll be under one of the tabs, just select an option. I'd recommend 64MB or 128MB
hemm :/ I don't think you can change it win Windows, but maybe. If so right-click on the GMA icon in the [blob of buttons by the clock] and check around there.
It might not really be taking that much, my old computer's ATI 1100 said it has 1.8 GB but it really only had 512MB. I'm not sure why they do that... -
It does not use 1.2GB of memory at all times.
It uses only what it needs to, which is probably 8MB-12MB. Vista is only reporting what it is capable of giving the card, if it asks.
How to change shared video memory?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by angle123, Nov 22, 2008.