Just got an R61 with WinXP and am trying to decide whether to do an R&R selective reinstall. Mine's got 68 processes running, compared to my Dell desktop running XP which only has 38 running...
What's your total?
Crimsonman Ex NBR member :cry:
This is the same thing except in the Windows section.
I have 34 processes running on a clean install w/ AVG and Windows Defender. 68 is a pretty high number. I assume it may have to do with unnecessary services. -
I'm sure my new R61 (arrived yesterday) has way too many services running. I've whacked a few things--think Adobe and Norton--and added a few--Avast and Firefox--but haven't started looking deeply yet. I haven't yet decided which ThinkPad utilities I want to keep, nor which other programs are necessary for the DVD burner, etc...
How many processes do you have running? (WinXP)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by drjohn, Feb 16, 2008.