I know that it is an overwhelming trend for notebooks to have 16:10 screens. I suppose this is great for watching movies on. But I prefer 4:3 because when I'm working with documents, it is more natural for my eyes to scroll up and down rather than side to side. Also, when I'm typing or reading a document, the extra sides on a 16:10 screen are just dead space unless I zoom in and and I have to scroll even more often.
So I'm just wondering anyone else here prefers 4:3. I am noticing a disturbing trend on Lenovo's website where there are fewer and fewer configurations that contain the 14.1" 4:3 screen. I hope they realize that there is still demand for this aspect ratio. I have a feeling that some people buy widescreen simply because it is the "in" thing to do and just because all the laptops in the stores are going wide, so they really don't have a choice.
And this post is coming from a guy who uses a 16:9 32w6 Westinghouse as a desktop monitor. But that is because it doubles as a screen for DVD viewing. When I'm on a laptop, I need it for 90% work purposes.
Always opted for high resolution screens on my laptops. As long as I can get that I do not care about the ratios.
For example I did not mind the extra pixels that the 16:10 offered (1680X1050 instead of 1400X1050) when I upgraded my laptop, but I would keep my old one if the new one did not offer the 1680X1050 resolution. -
On a 15" notebook, I don't think it is a big of a deal because SXGA+ and WSXGA+ both offer 1050 vertical resolution. On a 14", I much prefer SXGA+ to WXGA+ for the 1050 vertical resolution. For things like Office and Internet the vertical resolution is much more important in my personal experience. It's rumored that the 14" T60 widescreen will offer WSXGA+. Seems like it would terribly small, but that's what I though about SXGA+ and now it seems perfect to me.
i like the 4:3.. classic
but i needed a webcam so here i am in a 16:9 Z
the t60p is my 3rd laptop. previous was a dell with 15.4 screen and an asus with a 17 wide, so this is my first 15" 4:3 screen and I have to say, I prefer it over the wide screen. of course, it all comes down to what you plan to use it for. if mostly multimedia, I would say the wide screen is the better way to go. but I still prefer the 4:3 non glossy screen.
It just might be a question of screen resolution. I have a Z60t 14" WS and really didn't like it compared to my T60p 14" standard 4:3 screen. The former was 1280X768 and the latter 1400X1050. I don't have to do so much vertical scrolling on web pages now and the new system is a half pound lighter. But they're both such well made systems I can see myself becoming a Thinkpad customer for life.
Hi there:
Before placing my order the WS T60 a few days ago, I was actually thinking of getting the 4:3 model. However, the ecoupon was not applicable to it, so I got the widescreen. Of course, I am happy anyways -
Actually I dont care too much about the ration. My main concern ist the size of the notebook (as small as possible) and the size of the keyboard (regular sized keys) - therefore 14" WS just makes the most sense too me, because you get a big keyboard (with regular sized keys) on a comparably small Notebook. A 15" 4:3 is just higher than the 14" WS and therefore just bigger and on a 15.4" WS the keyboards never use all the space there is. On a 14" 4:3 on the other hand the keyboard is smaller than on all the other sizes.
Therefore I want a 14" WS - I'm hoping that Lenovo is going to offer the T-Series with that sometime soon. -
I prefer widescreen because of movies but I am very happy with my 4:3 screen of my T60.
I prefer 4:3.
I prefer 16:10 because on a 15" screen, the height of the laptop is still that of a 4:3 14"...so the relatively small height is great for me when I'm on the plane which is a few times a year. Also, I do some graphic work, and love having the extra width w/o the extra height so that I have more room on the sides for extra tool bars and such. I can do more on a 15.4" WS than on a 14" 4:3. But I'm not sure I'd like having a WS 14". I've used them before and didn't mind them, but it's not like I used them extensively enough to form an opinion.
So for me, it really comes down to physical size since I travel on the plane, and still being able to have the same vertical real estate as a 14" 4:3 which is what my current laptop has, and is my preference in screen size.
P.S.- Good god I've been on hold w/ lenovo forever...will I ever get through?? -
wide screen for if you do more watching movies on it or if you'd like to be "cool"
and let's say a 14" traditional vs 14" widescreen, the widescreen tends to be a bigger laptop overall (wider) if you consider size important.
for me what it really matters about the screen is the resolution and not really the ratio -
I prefer the 4:3 ratio.
I prefer 4:3 too,
I will choose widescreen over full screen only if its 15.4 or greater -
I used to have a Dell Widescreen
Now I have a 4:3 T60...I was hesitant about the 4:3, but I now I love it. -
All my main monitors are 4:3, and so is my one-day-old T60. I have one 16:9 20.1" as a secondary, but I prefer my 4:3 20".
I prefer 4:3.
4:3 for me!
SpacemanSpiff Everything in Moderation
While I haven't made a firm decision, HAVING a choice is important to me.
I will be very upset if Lenovo drops 4:3 entirely, and (just to be stubborn) may buy my next notebook from whoever still sells 4:3 (even if it is not Lenovo).
How many prefer 4:3?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by justinluck, Mar 26, 2007.