Hi everyone,
well, it's Friday here. So that only means that I've now switched back to wanting the Lenovo T400 over the Dell E6400 (we'll see how long that lasts).
Just a question about Lenovo's International Service though. I'll be buying the laptop in Australia, but living in Thailand for at least the first part of it's life. Now, the T400 has international warranty, and I'd be upgrading to 3 yrs Onsite warranty w/ 3 yrs ThinkPad Protection. So could anyone comment on Lenovo's international servicing quality?
I have had experience with Lenovo service in China and India and it is not as painless as it should be. At the end of the day, you get the service that you need but there is some drama around paperwork / communications between where you bought the service and where you use it. I am told that it sometimes helps to re-register your product when you move to another country but I am not sure what that involves.
Also, you may need to send the computer to a Lenovo authorized location at your cost.
I do not know how Dell compares. -
You can visit thaithinkpad.com for their community.
good luck on purchase.
Asus also has Global warranty. -
Thankyou for your replies. I've posted at Thaithinkpad.com now to ask. If the warranty support is as you say it is than my mind is made up.
Thanks -
Try thaidellclub.com too.
Great! Thanks for the links zerosource!
How is Lenovo's International Service?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Morien, Feb 12, 2009.