just recently, my R61 has started to put a small black info-warning triangle on the taskbar to the right of the battery gauge. The icon's tooltip tell me that my battery isn't as strong as it used to be and would power the laptop longer if it was replaced with a new one (duh, it's a year old). If you click the triangle, it jumps to a Lenovo webpage selling new batteries. Here's the black triangle and it's annoying warning, which displays when you hover over the triangle:
Question: How do I send this warning/advertisement packing? It will go away if I close the battery gauge, but I want the gauge. Unchecking the "periodically show messages about the battery charge capacity" doesn't kill it. What's a poor guy to do?
TIA, ~john
(BTW, it's running WinXP if that wasn't obvious from the picture)
How do I turn off the battery gauge's "advice" triangle?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by drjohn, May 27, 2009.