Here's an interesting question: At least I find it interesting.
With the recent news about a high school principal who was snooping on her students via the webcams in their Macs, how can one be certain that one's webcam is not broadcasting? Of course, the obvious answer is to turn off all connections. But, barring that, any thoughts about this concern? Is it realistic?
I think it depends on the laptop, but most that I've seen have that annoying LED that is on when the camera is working.
Fn+(Whatever one turns off your webcam)?
Disable it in Device Manager? -
Put a piece of tape over it ?
(Dont use a computer you dont have full control over/know what software is on it?) -
I'm pretty certain there's an LED indicator on pretty much any ThinkPad that comes equipped with an integrated camera(at least it's on the one I put in my T400, and the P/N's the same for the T61). Any third-party software I've tested it with turns the LED on when it's broadcasting.
I second the tape maneuver.
How can you be certain your WebCam is NOT broadcasting?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by vilmosz, Sep 23, 2010.