I want to pull up the 94402CU, but all I get is a page on the Top Seller models. I want to be able to purchase this model # but don't see where I can query it by model #.
Does that make sense?
What's the 94402cu? I can't find it in the tabook.pdf. Similar numbers make me think it may be an education model or third party retail model which are unavailable directly through Lenovo.com. Not positive though, maybe someone else has a better idea.
btw, the model numbers I see are 9441 and 9442 that are close numerically and are not TopSellers. Lenovo is not good about explaining what the different nomenclature means either. -
2.0 ghz core duo
1 gb ram
100 gb hdd
verizon EVDO card
WXGA+ screen
DVDRW (or was it dual layer?)
14.1" screen
If you go to euclid computers, their site lists the 94402CU. I think this model is a Top Seller model:
Scroll down to the Prices section to find the 94402CU listed for $1,999 -
9440 is a new listing in June, I got the new tabook.pdf and there it was. Considering that this listing was released June 20, even though it says on the page you linked to it would be available on May 16....I'd think it hasn't been formally released on Lenovo.com yet. This was the case with a model of Z61m I was looking for in mid May and had to call Lenovo sales to determine the state of that model number (not until May 31 they said). So that's my suggestion, call 1-866-96-THINK.
the model is listed on the tabook... get the latest tabook from here
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/pc/pcinstitute/psref/tabook.pdf. It's the June edition. -
the easiest thing would be to pick up the phone and call them
My 94402CU is shipping next week !!!!
How can I locate by product # on the Lenovo site?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by PubicTheHare, Jun 22, 2006.