Hey guys
How can I know LCD manufacturer?
Now I am using T42p. And I wonder my LCD.
Here is another question. Samsung and LG has less defect LCD?
thank you.
PC Wizard (free downloadable) is one of the many ways...
Otherwise, the Samsung screens are probably the most hated screens these days, while the LG/Philips are usually liked. -
Thank you Dreamer~!
I have a LG/Phillips screen and it is great. Lots of people complian about the Samsung ones -
I would love to see some sort of pseudo-empirical comparison of the Samsung displays vs. their equivalent LG displays. Side-by-side photographs, for example, with both displays properly calibrated. I suspect much of the popular disdain for Samsung displays is just groupthink...my Samsung WSXGA+ panel is pretty nice, though the light leakage thing does bother me a little. I am so tempted to order another T61p just to do an empirical comparison, I think I'll make another thread right now for that purpose.
I doubt you will see what you want but.. well
Otherwise, the problem with the Samsung screens does exist, and those screens pretty much ruined the Dell Latitude series last year, something like 1000 pages complaints on the Dells own forum... -
Good Luck then...
And don't get me wrong but your "scientific" research won't change people's opinions about their own screens... -
I've been hearing more positive comments on the Samsung screens from the newer Thinkpad owners.
I think we're well aware of the bad pub on Samsung lcds but its not beyond the realm of possibility that they may have improved their product which given all the negative feedback they've received any reasonable company will try to correct the situation.
This is all just anecdotal mind you. Also my LG suffers from light leakage too so its not just the Samsungs. -
I got a samsung LTN141WD-L05 and its the one people are complaining about but i don;t notice much problems on my. i don't notice any light leakage or that blueish color lcd. I compared it to my desktop sonicview lcd and it looked alrite.
oya and my t61 is 3 weeks old so many thats the reason. maybe they fixed the problem
How can I know.. LCD manufacturer?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by klhguy, Nov 26, 2007.