Can someone recommend a program for checking the health of my SSD?
My system seems to be slowing down and I am wondering if it is due to the SSD.
The original SSD was replaced by Lenovo in October 2012. Not sure if the SSD was brand new or a refurbished unit.
CrystalDiskInfo can give information about the health status of your drive, how long you used it for and how much writes you put on it. Though be aware that if your SSD is near full capacity it can affect performance so consider taking some files to another drive if you can.
Since it's an Intel SSD, you can also use Intel's SSD Toolbox to find the relevant information on the SSD health.
Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow
There are also different versions of the Intel Toolbox...sometimes a bit of finagling is required...
Having said that, knowing exactly what Intel drive is in the machine and how it's partitioned would help a lot... -
Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up going with CrystalDiskInfo. When I downloaded the Intel Toolbox PDF instruction file, it said it was not for the XM-18. Which is what I have in my system.
When I ran CrystalDiskInfo it said my SSD was at 100% health. So my concern for slowness must have been my imagination. -
I've found that once a SSD gets around 75-80% full, things slow down... a lot.
So I watch when the SSD gets near 50% I move more stuff over to the backup HD.
If you get in the habit of doing it as you go, it will save time.
Also, I defragged my very first SSD a couple years ago and ruined it. -
How To Check Health of T410s (Intel SSD)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by JimF, Jun 22, 2014.