I bought an X60 in March, and also got the Express Upgrade to Vista in that time. However, it's been giving me compatibility issues ever since, and I called Lenovo support and they asked me to take a look at this webpage. (And for those of you wondering, their support is actually quite good.)
Anyways, if you read that page you'll see that I failed to uninstall most of those programs. Ooops.
Could there be any solution to this? I was thinking, perhaps I could roll back the OS or install a pirated one in the computer, delete the files and upgrade to Vista again? Any help would be appreciated!
If you want a working version of Vista, why not just use the link in my sig to do a clean install. It'll work.
Oh... OK. In your original post it sounded like you had concerns because you failed to follow the uninstall instructions for upgrading to Vista. If that is the case then a clean install will resolve any issues you may have that are related to that.
As far as Program Compatibility Assistant, this is all I can offer... http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/en-US/help/82c0440d-553e-47e9-b4bd-6c2d10df4de71033.mspx
Help-Another Vista screwup!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by tchtypist, Aug 26, 2007.