Recently I installed Win7 Pro 64-bit on my T500. Soon thereafter I bought ThinkPad Advanced Dock (250310U), mainly to install an extra internal hard drive thru ultra bay option. Then I purchased ThinkPad Serial ATA Hard Drive Bay Adapter (40Y8725) and Hitachi 500GB Travelstar SATA 7200 RPM Laptop Internal Hard Drive HD20500IDK/7K.
I received the ultra bay adapter and Hitachi HD and installed the HD, but my T500 does not recognize the hard drive. What am I missing here? Do I need to purchase any additional part? Or, do I need to format the new ultra bay HD, please?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Why u need a docking station for hd ultra bay? don't u just swap it with the disc drive? or can i use both disc and ultra bay hd, if i have a docking station? would be great to know, i would also order an ultra bay hd, if that's true.
To order an ultra bay adapter, you should check out compatibility issues between your machine and adapter, I believe. -
I figured out what the problem was, thanks to a PM from a member here. The new HD was unformated upon arrival. So I had to format it using Disk Management. It was a bit tricky,though, because it was my first time installing internal hard drive and format it, let alone dealing with things like ultra bay.
Help with installing Hard Drive in Advanced Dock using Ultra Bay?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by michaelhryu, Feb 16, 2010.