I've read in posts that no cd/dvds come with new systems, on one post someone says they got windows anywhere dvd with laptop.
I actually got 1 DVD and 7cds with new T61p (received comp 12/24/07).
Anyone know where I can purchase Vista 32bit (OEM or Windows anywhere dvd) to do a clean install. Since I paid Lenovo $75 already I don't want to pay again ~$175 at a store. I would like to do a clean install of Vista 32bit. Can someone tell me where they got official (not pirated). looks like I Can't get them from CompUSA or MSoft any more.
5th PARAGRAPH down
which is this http://www.windowsanytimeupgrade.com/disc
I recommend that you follow that guide directly -
Thanks, I read that guide and when I tried to buy disc the order wouldn't go through...so now I tried it on IE and guess what happened...
Thanks again dude
Help with Vista DVD
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by hoj914, Dec 26, 2007.