As per a previous post, I have begun to question the quality of the keyboard that will be in my new T60 which arrived today.
As I said in my other post:
"1) My receipt shows "Part #39T6476"
2) The Lenovo parts page shows "Mfg part #39T0988"
and "FRU part #39T7118""
It seems, based on the other post, that I have an "ALPS" keyboard. But aren't the above numbers conflicting eachother?
A keyboard is EXTREMELY important to is actually why I bought this laptop at all. Based on the numbers I posted above
1) Do I have an ALPS keyboard?
2) If so, is it the best?
3) If not, which is the most quiet?
My problem with the newer keyboards that I have received from IBM to replace my original R40's keyboard is that the keys all *click*. My first keyboard was virtually silent. The keys are also just generally louder.
Any help would be great. I don't want to open it yet until I get this figured out.
Thanks all!
Can't help you with your keyboard manufacturer but I do know what I think is a great keyboard may be very different than what you think is a great keyboard. I know that you don't want to open it until you find out. I am waiting for a T60 ws and I know that the keyboard will not even come close to the keyboard on my 600x.
Scott -
The following thread may help you from
Help with Keyboard manufacturer
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by blammer, Dec 14, 2006.