If you are unaware a program known as "World Community Grid" is using the power of cloud computing to help search for the cure for various diseases. You can donate your computer's CPU power to help the scientific community and humanity.
To help simply download the World Community Grid application which runs in the background. It uses idle CPU cycles, so the application does not slow down your PC. In addition the program only runs when the machine is plugged in, so you won't be killing your battery life.
If you have any interest (hopefully you do!) you can visit this site below:
Create an account and download the application
Help fight against childhood cancer and AIDS. Help research for clean energy and a way to produce clearner water.
Once joined make sure you join the ThinkPad team!
Join The ThinkPad Team
If you have any questions let me know. Please consider and join this project.
pretty similar to folding@home. I guess a useful thing to contribute if you are not doing much with the computer while downloading torrents, etc or contributing to SETI or Folding@home. Many of these stuffs are just structural biology and figuring out how protein folds or interacts with other proteins or running climate change models.
This is like computing power charity, with a range of subjects or causes to target range of interest groups.
Help use your ThinkPad to solve for disease cures! Join the ThinkPad team!
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Marcham93, Apr 20, 2011.