Dear Forum,
Could somebody please tell me how to restore this file or advise the best course of action?
Whilst the T43 was on the Windows logon screen and loading up, I (stupidly) disconnected the AC power cord from my TP43 without having a charged battery in it.
Upon rebooting, Windows would not load and the message 'Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM' appeared.
With help of a friend, I followed the instructions at How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting and the system now boots.
After doing a system restore, the only problem is that now a small box appears on startup with the message 'Error loading C:\PROGRA~1\ThinkPad\UTILIT~1\BatLogEx.dll'.
A Google search reveals that this file is IBM Thinkpad battery management utility that logs changes in battery conditions such as charging, discharging, etc.
A search of my hard drive located this file only at: C:\DRIVERS\WIN\BMMPM and C:\IBMTOOLS\DRIVERS\PWRMGR.
How can I resolve this problem?
Do I correctly assume that this file is useful?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best wishes,
PS: System is an IBM T43 running Windows XP SP3.
I would suggest trying to reinstall ThinkVantage Power Manager and perhaps the Power Manager driver - that may fix the missing dll issue.
Dear Midnightsun,
Thank you for the quick response. I have updated the Power Manager and that solved the problem with the BatLogEx.dll.
However, another problem has arisen. A new 'IBM Active Protection System' is now installed. When the computer is booted, the following message appears:
"Active protection is not functioning as system detected the abnormal sensor status. To diagnose the sensor device, run PC DOCTOR DOS - HDD Active Protection Test and if it still shows, contact Help and Service for repair."
When I try and run PC DOCTOR DOS, the programme does not load.
- Should I reinstall PC DOCTOR DOS to run the Active Protection Test?
- Could someone kindly provide a link to the latest version for a T43?
- Or should I disable Active Protection System from loading?
- If so, how should I do this?
Thanks in advance!
Help required with BatLogEx.dll
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Harryredknapp, Sep 28, 2010.